Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Beach House

I actually managed to find time to finish this book during this trip. It was a good book! Thank you secret Santa :]

Now for a short review, this book had its moments when my mouth would drop open at the surprises it threw at me, but the book wasn't amazing enough to beat my top favourites. I liked the way the author slowly ties in each characters relation to each other, yea it's one of those books where there are many characters that start out as strangers but come together to realize that they're all connected somehow. But I didn't like how she would switch from each character's point of view so drastically with no way of knowing it had changed until you read a couple sentences into the paragraph. At first I thought each paragraph was a different character, but that was not the case. I got used to it towards the end, but in the beginning I was so confused. Overall, it's a good book and a nice, easy read. I enjoyed it very much.

I want to make a blog solely for book reviews, if only I read fast enough or often enough :[

1 comment:

Carol said...

Oo :) Do a book review blog! I'd read it :D