Friday, November 21, 2008

My Twilight Review

Of course, as expected, the movie wasn't nearly as great as the book, but then again, when is it ever. I'm sleepy but I want to write my opinion on it while it's still all fresh in my mind. There's a lot I want to say. So I'm going to list... (and just in case I let some things slip, there might be some spoilers, so consider yourselves warned)

1. Sadly, there was a lot left out, like the part where she passes out from the blood in biology class and the airport scenes. It seemed kind of emptier than the book. I don't know if there wasn't enough of the fight scene or enough of the important information given in the book that made it seem empty... but I feel like there wasn't enough content in the movie, a bit disappointing. Even though the movie can't be EXACTLY like the book and they have to take some parts out, I think it could've been better.
2. I couldn't help squealing about Edward.
3. Did you notice Stephenie Meyer in the movie? She put herself in the movie in one of the diner scenes. She was the one with the mac in the diner.
4. Um... Bella is a horny slut, well I wouldn't blame her. I want to have sex with Edward Cullen too.
5. I even said this before watching the movie and it was true. They just revealed too much in the trailer. I feel like I already saw the whole movie from the trailer. There wasn't much that was new in the movie. They practically showed a glimpse of every scene in the trailer.
6. I don't like Bella's voice or Edward's that was not the velvet voice I imagined. I didn't like his acting in the beginning either. It was just too forced and he was overdoing everything. I mean, I know he's supposed to be really tense around her and stuff but geez. And at some parts, he needed to work on his American accent more (I don't know how to explain this), I kind of feel like that's why his voice wasn't so great, because he was concentrating too much on the American accent. He got better towards the end, but then Bella's acting started getting worse towards the end, the hospital scene, when she stutters.
7. Did you notice how he wore the same blue button down and grey jacket like three days straight?? (But I loved it on him.)
8. OMG I loved Alice!
9. Jasper barely said a word throughout the whole movie. How much is he getting paid for that?? lol Oh and come to think of it, Emmett too. What happened to the whole, "She's not one of us," saying from the trailer. I'm interested in seeing the deleted scenes.
10. I would say my favorite scene of the movie was the baseball scene.
11. So I finally know how to say Carlisle's name. haha
12. You could see all the powder make up on them.
13. I'm mad that they made Edward seem like he couldn't control it at the end, when he sucks her blood to get the venom out. But in the book, I remember him being able to stop himself and say something about tasting the morphine in her blood. They just totally changed that up.
[I think I'm done, might be back with more stuff. Things keep popping up in my mind.]
14. I absolutely hated the part when she walks off into the forest and does her little monologue about him. It was so cheesy.
15. I could barely feel/see the love/romance and the passion between them from the movie to the extent that it really is (from the book), and how amazing he truly is. The movie did not do him justice.

The more I think about it, the more I'm disappointed in the movie. I wouldn't buy the DVD nor would I watch it again, except once more because I told my sister I'd take her when I get back for Thanksgiving break. The book was much much better. Sometimes, I wish I could erase my memory of Twilight and read it all over again.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Near Death Experience

Saturday night around 1am, my (black, remember this, it's an important part to the story) friend, Tiffanie, from Virginia never had the chicken and rice at 53th and 6th. So instead of going to a party and stopping by on the way back, we just decided to get chicken and rice only because we were too lazy to go all the way to Queens to party. Being that it was 1am in the financial districtish area downtown, there wasn't that many people on the train besides this one other big, smelly black lady wearing skinny people clothes, as Tiffanie would put it, like those scrunchy tops and leggings. She was mumbling to herself and walking around and switching from seat to seat. Since it was the last stop, we were just sitting there for awhile. Then this guy with a white poncho (with a pointed hood) got on the train... but from my peripheral vision, I thought it was the KKK, and Tiffanie saw it from a reflection and thought the same thing. We both freaked out inside and looked over to get a better look, then we looked at each other and gave the "Oh shit! Did you see that?" look. He just walked on from one side of the train and got off the other. It was quite scary at the moment. We seriously thought it was the KKK. He would've killed us both.

p.s. This has been annoying me for a while, but... I hate how my fonts are different on certain entries depending on what computer I post from, even when I put Georgia, small, or does it only come up like that for me? I want consistency dammit!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm in love...

I seriously think I'm in love with Edward Cullen. Call me crazy but I've never felt this way about a fictional character before. After reading through Sophie Kinsella's books, I've said things like, where is my Jack Harper (from Can You Keep a Secret?) or Luke Brandon (from the Shopaholic series)? But with Edward, it's not, where is my Edward Cullen? It's more like, I want Edward Cullen!...

I love Edward Cullen and I want his venom to poison my system.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I have ADD...

So obviously, I went home to vote. I've only been home twice this semester compared to the numerous times I went home last year, practically every weekend possible. But now that I've found my comfort out here, it feels weird to go back home, but kind of nice at the same time. It feels like I've grown up and officially moved out, and now I'm going home to visit my family. Paramus still feels like home, but a bit of a distant home, like a place that once was my home, home to old memories and friends, but now my home was out here. And I'm not even quite sure where here is either, New York, possibly. I didn't think I'd feel this way so soon. I just feel like I've grown old for Paramus. The little changes that appear while I'm gone are increasing. But when I am back, it's a bit of a cozy feeling. I feel like I grew up there (Paramus), but I didn't, I just had my best memories there, made the best friends there. I feel like I'm not giving justice to my feelings in this explanation, but I'm sure some of you might understand what I'm feeling, or maybe it's just Kathy and me who feel this way lol.

Also, I recently paid my deposit for studying abroad next semester. It's official! I can't turn back now. I mean, I could but that would be a waste of $250, right?

I'm also really excited about Twilight!! You have no idea...

AND OF COURSE, BARACK OBAMA, OUR NEW PRESIDENT!! As Sarah said, "we're making history!" It is pretty amazing.

For some strange reason, it feels like last Christmas was a LONG time ago, not just a little over a year ago. So thus that makes me super excited for Christmas this year. Hm... what did I even do for Christmas last year? I can't even remember. But first, I gotta get through Thanksgiving. Honestly, I don't really like Thanksgiving all that much. Gasp, I know I know. It's just, it's kind of boring and a bit lonely, it's only my parents, my sister and me. My mom's side all live in Korea. It's just we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving the BIG family, everyone get together kind of way. I mean it's still nice spending time with my family. I like that. I love my dysfunctional family very much. But spending time with my family during Christmas is much more fun. I don't know. Just how I feel. I don't hate Thanksgiving. It's just not one of my favorites, that's all.

And omgosh, while I was home, since there's actually trees there unlike out here, I realized how beautiful autumn/fall is. When I got outside, the weather was so nice and still, the leaves on the trees were such beautiful colors, vibrant red and yellow, and some of the leaves were slowly falling to the ground, swaying from side to side as it fell. It literally stopped me in my tracks as I was on my way to my car to pick up Kathy. This is the nice part about coming home. It added to that whole feeling I tried to explain above. Okay, I should get some sleep and stop this random, pointless entry.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Yup! I voted today, went to the polls and voted... and it was SO confusing. There were just so many names and I didn't know if it was going from left to right or up and down. After I voted for Obama for president, I didn't know what to do next. I didn't know where all the local or other stuff was. I was seriously considering submitting just that. I was about to peek my head out to ask for help but I didn't know if they were allowed to help me after I've already gone in and stuff... so I just stood there for awhile looking all helplessly confused. haha Then I realized and just voted for all democratic without even looking at the names, I know that's kind of bad, but I was just a bit overwhelmed... and confused and I panicked. I'll do better next time. But I voted!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Day After Halloween

(I'm gonna try to blog almost everyday.)

I spent my Halloween night in my room with my friends watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I didn't go out because 1) I didn't have any money for a costume and I didn't really feel like spending that much on a costume... this happens every year, 2) I'm a lazy bum, and 3) I had work the next morning at 7am.

Then the craziest thing happened at work that Saturday morning. So we had these decorations at work, which were like clear, glass vases, that we were throwing out. On Friday night, we put them away in boxes and the manager informed the sanitation company that it would be out there to be picked up. But they never ended up picking it up since it was still there Saturday morning. So my manager just decided to give it a little time and leave it out there just in case they came to pick it up later that morning. At 8am, it was still out there. Then at around 8:20am when my manager went out there to get the door, the glass was smashed all over the sidewalk and road. I looked like someone had ripped open the boxes, took out the glass vases and threw them around. The store is on the corner, and the glasses was on both sides of the corners, so it couldn't have been that some like hit it with a car. But all the glass was broken, not one vase was intact. Then this crazy lady was yelling at us. She was saying how the garbage shouldn't be out on that side of the corner to begin with because that's not where it gets picked up but my manager explained to her that we have a contract with our own sanitation company that picks it up on that corner and the lady was yelling back saying not to call her a liar then she started to complain about the big plant pots we have in front of the store saying that was against landmark regulations or something. She just kept yelling at us about all the glass and that we did this and how she had pictures of it all and we wouldn't get away this, saying that she was gonna call Mickey Drexler (the CEO of Jcrew). My manager then asked her to stop harassing her employees and then the lady just started screaming that she wasn't harassing her employees. Then my manager asked her to relax and then the lady just exploded and started to tell my manager not to talk to her, not to say a word to her. I was standing there laughing inside at this crazy woman. Yes lady, we deliberately put those boxes of glass out there to be broken on purpose so no one comes to our store. Halfway through this conversation, this guy and I were cleaning it up. While we were still sweeping it all up after the talking stopped, the lady just stood there and watched us and stopped every person on the street to tell them that we did this and that this store was owned by Jcrew. We're kind of convinced she did it. Lady, it's 8am in the morning... go home, go sleep, what is wrong with you. There's supposedly some lady who lives around there that always comes around to yell at us about something and complain like a crazy woman. If it was the same woman, one of my coworkers thinks she was having an episode or something. She was kind of psycho. So that was my Saturday morning, the day after Halloween.