Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Greetings From Dublin

I'm writing to you guys from the future puhaha lol

So I'm sure you've all heard about the U.S. Airways plane that crashed into the Hudson River on Thursday, January 15 at about 3:30pm. Well I was on the American Airlines flight that was just about to take off at around 3:30pm, but we couldn't because LaGuardia airport stopped all departing planes. So we had to wait there for a little over 30 mins, but we had no idea what was going on and didn't think much of it either. Gladly everyone was safe in the end. And while I was on the plane, I was honestly thinking about whether birds ever hit the plane. Oh, those poor geese. Then when I got to Chicago, it was -7 degrees F. I could see my breath as soon as I opened my mouth and even when I wasn't really breathing out either. It practically looked like I was smoking. Then the plane flight to Dublin was constantly delayed little by little and we ended up leaving 2 hours later because a passenger received notice that a family member had died. So they got off the plane and someone had to also find the baggage from underneath. And it wasn't just one bag, it was 5, so maybe it was a whole family getting off.

Well anyways, we arrived in Dublin at 10am, instead of our scheduled time of 8:30am. It's slightly warmer here than it is back in NY/NJ, and I guess a lot warmer considering all the freeze warnings that kept popping up on my desktop weather.com application, since it's still set for weather in that area.

It's beautiful here and the Irish people are so friendly and nice, such a drastic change from NY. Even though I've never been to Ireland nonetheless Europe, I knew I would love it and I do! So I know I'll love the rest of Europe. I love the small differences in culture and find it so interesting. For an example, if you don't have the exact change for the bus, after you pay you receive a receipt of how much the bus company owes you, and if you don't go to the bus company to collect it, they donate it to charity. Isn't that a nice idea? I like it.

I'm too excited about my future plans to travel the world practically that I'm gonna brag to you guys about it. Prepare to be pretty jealous... This weekend, hopefully, I'll be on the Paddywagon Trip of Southern Ireland. I'll be seeing... yea pretty self-explanatory, Southern Ireland, and Galway while staying at hostels. Then in 3 weeks I'll be going to London... to find my future husband, Robert Pattinson lol although I'm hearing that he's currently in L.A. boo, well whatever you never know. The restraining order must just be how he shows his affection lol . But yea, I'll be staying at a hostel in London too. These plans are pretty much set. The plane flight to London is booked, and was only 20 euros!!! that's $28, isn't that some crazy stuff?!?!, and the hostel was booked just now for around $100 for 4 nights. I'm quite excited! I hope you're jealous. Then there are some future plans to possibly go to Scotland, maybe Germany, and definitely Amsterdam!! I want to go to Spain too, but we'll see. (I'm saving Greece for you Kathy!) I wanna rent a car too and drive on the wrong side, on the wrong side of the road... or maybe I'll just take a picture in the car pretending to drive hehe.

URGENT NEWS JUST IN... Rob was spotted at a pub in London trying to hide out. [Source: Perez Hilton]

So back to Ireland, I've learned some new Irish lingo that I want to share with you guys.
Ossified means to get shitfaced drunk, plastered, hammered, etc.
Craic [pronounced like crack] means to have to a good, fun time usually with the use of alcohol. Ex: The craic is mighty. You can find good craic there. (This is my favorite.)
Massif [pronounced like massive] means gorgeous. So a guy may come up to you at an Irish pub and say something like, "I think you're massif."

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